Day 9: Into Alberta
July 14 : Enjoyed our drive through western Saskatchewan into eastern Alberta. The flat landscape slowly became bucolic, gently-rolling hills. Loved the almost English look of the green, scrub-like pasture land with many, many cows. We even saw a buffalo! Stopped to wash the poor car in Swift Current and do a bit of shopping in Medicine Hat, of which we both really liked the look. The highlight of the drive was easily Cypress Hills Provincial Park where we stopped for lunch and a walk. It’s actually an interprovincial park between Saskatchewan and Alberta. What a great park! Lots of campsites with trees, a pool, mini-golf, convenience store, and all the wonderful nature you could want. It was delightful; almost made me want to go back to camping. We drove to Lookout Point, where the elevation is 1275 m (as you can see in the pictures): what an amazing view! It makes you feel so small, and peaceful. ...