Day 24: Back to Lake Superior

July 29: Back to the long drive we know well, the almost 10 hours from Thunder Bay to the Soo. It really is a breathtaking drive. Unfortunately, the best vistas are when you’re going 90 kph and at the top of a hill! To see gorgeous blue Superior spread out to your right, dotted with evergreened islands, and walls of rock on either side. We said “Oh look!” almost as often as we did in the Rockies -- even though we were here two weeks ago. Three weeks ago? How many days ago? Who knows?! Tonight’s hotel is right downtown near St. Mary’s River and the U.S. We went for a walk by the waterfront, which is pretty. Another beautiful day; I think it hit 27 eventually, though it was only 15 degrees when we left this morning. Definitely need tonight’s swim, too. It's a long day sitting. Quality Inn and Suites. We ate at the hotel. St. Mary's River Boardwalk, Sault Ste Marie. My poor bug-smashed car!!